Why Is My Laburnum Tree Not Flowering? (6 Reasons)

Why Is My Laburnum Tree Not Flowering? (6 Reasons) - Laburnum Flowers

Laburnums are a stunning ornamental flowering tree from central and southern Europe. An important thing to note is that all parts of the plant are poisonous to humans and animals. It is even recommended not to have them next to unlined ponds as the poison can harm any fish, frogs or newts living in the … Read more

Why Is My Forsythia Wilting? (Solved!)

Forsythia bushes, with their bright yellow flowers, are a joyful sight in spring. One of the earliest splashes of colour in the year, they are common in the UK. Forsythias are generally hardy, but sometimes they can wilt and fail. So if you have asked the question “Why Is My Forsythia Wilting?” then read on … Read more

Why Is My Flowering Currant Dying? (Solved!)

Why Is My Flowering Currant Dying? (Solved!) - Pink Flowers On A Flowering Currant

Flowering Currant plants, or Ribes as they are also known, are a common sight in the UK in the spring. They have ribbed leaves, dark berries, pink trailing flowers and a strong scent. There is also a white version “White Icicle” They do well in most soils and are easy to grow. Sometimes however, they … Read more