Why Are My Camellia Leaves Curling? (6 Reasons And How To Fix Them)

Why Are My Camellia Leaves Curling? (6 Reasons And How To Fix Them) - Camellia Plant With Pink Flower

Camellia plants are beautiful glossy evergreen shrubs with large blowsy flowers in winter and early spring. At a time when much of the garden is still asleep, Camellias provide wonderful coverage and colour. They can sometimes struggle when growing conditions are not right for them. An early sign can be the curling of leaves. So … Read more

How Can I Save Water In My Garden? (Top 10 Ways)

How Can I Save Water In My Garden? (Top 10 Ways) - Thermometer Showing 40 Degress Celcius Temperature

As the world’s climate becomes hotter and drier, water conservation is becoming more and more important. The summer of 2022 saw temperatures over 40°Celsius (140° Fahrenheit) being recorded for the first time in the UK! Gardening can be one of the main household uses of water, so we gardeners need to start to think about … Read more