How Can I Save Water In My Garden? (Top 10 Ways)

How Can I Save Water In My Garden? (Top 10 Ways) - Thermometer Showing 40 Degress Celcius Temperature

As the world’s climate becomes hotter and drier, water conservation is becoming more and more important. The summer of 2022 saw temperatures over 40°Celsius (140° Fahrenheit) being recorded for the first time in the UK! Gardening can be one of the main household uses of water, so we gardeners need to start to think about … Read more

About Sue – Founder

Hi all, I am Sue, founder of the My Garden Heaven website and experience. I have been gardening since purchasing my first house in 2014 and started out as an absolute beginner. I love it so much that I now work in a garden centre! A great deal of my knowledge has come from trial … Read more